
At this year’s Convention, we will provide space of intentional conversations on topics of interest or concern to you.

If you have an issue you would like to discuss with like-minded colleagues, a desire to engage in conversation on a topic of some sort, an idea for which you would like feedback, or the like; if you would like advice from others in the field about programs, best practices, community resources, or an interpersonal situation; or, if you want a meeting place for chevruta or for your classmates and you to decide where to go for dinner that evening, just use our Soapbox, announce it to our colleagues, and see who shows up.

Designated tables will be set up in our “Soapbox Arena” in the International Ballroom for you to hold a discussion on whatever topic you would like during our hafsakot or at any other time during our Convention. We will also be making the announcements on Twitter using #CCARsoapbox. Contact Bruce Elder if you are interested in reserving a table ahead of time.